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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Middle Age Dinner

Early last week J started telling me about how during the Middle Ages they didn't have silverware to eat with.  The number two thing we get on him about during meal times is not using his utensils.  Number one is talking with food in his mouth, but that's not as relevant to this story.  :)

So we laughed and I said next time he wasn't using his fork I would remind him we weren't in the Middle Ages anymore.  Then he asked if we could have a Middle Ages party, chicken legs and other foods.  

Last night we had just that.  I invited our neighbors over to share in the fun, but apparently texting an invite about coming to a middle age party is not as inviting via text.  You can add that to the list of things you shouldn't text about.  Also on that list: Your brother in law was hit by a bus, but will be fine.  Once K understood it was the Middle Ages not a middle age party they were in.  

Here's a few glimpses of our menu, all things you could eat with your hands.

You'll notice that the very brown items in the bottom right corner were not always that way. They started out as frozen tater tots.  
We decided the extra crispiness lent to the authenticity of the tough times of the serfs of the day.  Ok, so it's not likely anything they had in the Middle Ages, but it was definitely something that we could eat with no silverware.  

Did you know that if you cook tater tots for too long the potatoes inside evaporate into nothing?  

K added in some bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers, and a loaf of bread that we tore with our hands, then her daughter realized we could use the bread as napkins.  

We topped it off with smores. 
What you don't think the serfs had marshmallows in the Middle Ages?  Well the middle class, middle aged people sure enjoyed them last night.  


Anonymous said...

Nary a mention of Mead and wenches? Sounds like some of the middle class have moved beyond middle age. KS

Anonymous said...

Please correct the capital M on Mead in my previous post. I haven't had my coffee yet. KS