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Monday, July 22, 2013

Tip Tuesday--Moving In

I recently had the fun, ok my way of having fun, of helping J&C move a state or two further south.  Thursday morning it was time to load the last minute items, blankets pillows, toothbrushes into the car and Scout could tell something was up.  

J and c shared breakfast on the back steps.  



Back to Scout... All of her people's stuff was gone.  She did NOT want to be left behind.  While we packed the last few loads she climbed up into the back of J's car and then worked her way 

to the front seat as if she knew we could not forget her if she stayed there.  

A few final pictures at the old house
If you look closely in C's truck you can see Scout looking out the window as we backed out of the driveway.  

One last picture at school.
If you are ever driving on I-55 and need to have a meal, Exit 96 is your only option.  However there are LOTS of options at that one exit.  Unless of course you are interested in eating dead armadillo.  In that case the 50 miles north of exit 96 was littered with 17 of them, yes J and I counted/kept a tally sheet. 

We opted for Cracker Barrel.  

a few hours later we were taking our exit

Children were even still smiling and having fun at 5pm after being in the car since 9:30.  Pretty good huh?  We thought so too.  
Thursday evening we walked around the empty apartment trying to decide where best to put everything that would be coming at 7am the next morning.  All three adults talked about where items should go in the kitchen and then I had this idea 

in case someone else would be helping with the unpacking they wouldn't need to ask, where does this or that go.  

Friday morning the movers arrived at 6:45 and by 7:15, with plenty of church member help too they were all finished by 10:30.  Then the real fun began, for me anyway.  

unpacking all the boxes and putting things away.  
Some items had to be repacked because this stop is temporary until the house sells and there was simply not room enough to hold all the kitchen-ware in this small apartment kitchen.  Please also note the very small fridge.  it's almost lost back there.  J notices it every time she opens the door.  :)

Here are things starting to get in better shape.  And to get there, I just started next to the fridge and started working my way around the kitchen.  

and then order begins to come together, 

and everyone is happy.

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