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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Small Scale Sailing

One nice thing about these incredibly windy days is that if you have a hankerin to build a sailboat out of random items you can then quickly go put the idea to the test.

Just so you know the idea was that the plastic parachute would open in the wind and carry the 'boat' across the water 'super fast'.  The rock filled spent cartridges were to provide balance and weight.  The cardboard was the flotation device and the pipe cleaners were for....  I don't remember.

And around here you can sometimes draw an audience to encourage you too.
Like Charli and her buddies
Or maybe they just happened to be thirsty.

The alien creature that was attached to the parachute didn't do a great job getting the parachute to utilize the wind the way the builder intended.  Either way, the craft successfully made it across the tank;

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