Sprouts: seedless watermelon $3, pineapple 2.50, oranges .50/lb. (vs .98 HEB), grapefruit .50, avocado .68, lettuce .98, cucumbers .50, cluster tomatoes .98/lb., green beans .98/lb., asparagus 1.98/lb.,
HEB: strawberries 1.47/lb. (vs $2 Sprouts), apples .98/lb., cluster tomatoes .97/lb., potatoes 1.97/5#, sirloin steak 3.97/lb., chicken fajitas 1.97/lb., boneless chicken 1.99/lb., HEB ice cream 3.50,
Randalls: chicken breast/leg/thigh $1/lb., strawberries 1.50/lb.
Friday only: coffeemate $2.50
LIME prices are increasing (restaurant case price was $19 six months ago, now $90) and are in short supply caused by a cluster of variables, so I fyou find limes at a good price, stock up, squeeze them and freeze them. One being most limes come from an area of Mexico that recently had their drug lord arrested (my opinion is that has caused people to not bother and pick the fruit as it ripens with the area being unstable), demand has increased in China and the US, the greening fungus though on a lime, how can you tell????