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Thursday, March 7, 2013

And Then There Were None

This is our pen on Sunday evening.  

Here is a little bit of what we learned: 

  • These are broilers, not chickens.
  • The food cycle on broilers is gross. 
  • I'll be looking for small chickens wrapped in cellophane in the store from now on.  
  • Bigger is not necessarily better when it comes to eating.
  • L&J don't have any desire to raise broilers again.
  • If there was a next time, bring roosters not hens.
  • You need two 'show shirts'.
  • J is excited to sleep in a few more minutes every morning, starting on Monday.

On Sunday afternoon the, "Psssttt... Hey you. You wanna sell your chickens," guy who hung out around the pens came and picked up our remaining 18 broilers.  He says that they will thin them down and then eat one every now and then.  His story was a little fishy, because he was buying a LOT of chickens and rabbits last night.  

The only thing we can guess is that he takes the hens and sells them on the side of the road for $10-$15 a piece.  

As for the roosters... I guess if they start to eat too much, he'll turn the tables on them.  

1 comment:

Donna Menke said...

Keeping chickens isn't as bad as ducks though- cute they are, but labor intensive out the wazoolie. So, if you want some egg-laying chickens you could get a couple dozen unwashed eggs from us and incubate them (we have a unit you could borrow) and make your own chickens. Not that I want to lose you as my best (only) egg customer- but it is an alternative you may enjoy. The price is right- $4 for a cage full of chickens.