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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Weekly Menu 12/14+

Last week we spent a lot of time finishing up leftovers from Thanksgiving and for J that meant eating mashed potatoes for breakfast almost every morning.
 It was really his choice, but he enjoyed them for their heartiness.  I made a potato pancake one morning, but he didn't care for that, because it had too much 'sizzle' on it.  By the end of the week he was asking for his potatoes warmed, but please don't sizzle them in any way.

The only remarkable item that I remember cooking was a broccoli cheese soup that I modified based on what leftovers I had on hand.

2T butter
1/4 c diced onion
1-2 stalks celery, chopped
1/4 c flour
1/4 butternut squash (lower half, seeded), rough chopped
1 c broccoli florets
2c pork broth (from my freezer)
2 c milk
~3/4 c ham (I used the last of what was left from Thanksgiving)
4-5 slices American cheese

Saute onion and celery in butter.  Add flour and brown slightly.  Add broth, squash, and broccoli and simmer for about 20 minutes until the squash is tender.  Add in the milk and ham until heated through.  Finally add the cheese until it is melted.  I also mashed up the squash a little because S came over for supper (L and J were off at a pig workshop learning what we were not doing right) and I didn't want him to notice that he was eating squash. Perhaps he didn't notice or was thankful for a home cooked meal that he didn't have to prepare.

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