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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Frugal Friday--Good Friday/Easter gift

J received a wonderful gift from the room mom at school this week.  They asked us to send a dozen plastic eggs to school and I will admit:
1.   I was late in sending them and had to be reminded
2.   I didn’t take the time to find two of each color.  I figured 12 eggs is 12 eggs.
3.   Many of the eggs I sent were 22+ years old
4.   Some eggs may have been faded because of their age
5.   It is possible that some of them were cracked.
6.   I did not include an egg carton.  I’m not sure that was requested, but I know I didn’t send one.

What we received in return was anything but 12 eggs stuffed with candy.

I’m guessing that she felt sorry for J at having such a pitiful mom and managed to find some other eggs to swap them with.  Hopefully no one went home with our eggs.

The carton was decorated with cute Easter egg fabric

and inside were 12 matching shiny eggs.

Inside each egg was a trinket reminder of the Easter story.

On the lid was a summary as well as the matching Bible verses of where to locate the story in the Bible should you be interested in reading the full account of that topic.

Oh and each egg was also numbered in case they got mixed up.  

Inside the eggs...
1.   Donkey--plastic donkey
2.   Palm Branches--silk palm branch
3.   Last Supper--communion wafer and individual wine cup
4.   Praying Hands--sticker of hands praying
5.   Silver Coins & Rooster--nickel and rooster sticker
6.   Crown of thorns & Whip--strip of leather and rose bush thorn
7.   Crucifixion--plastic cross
8.   Nails--flat nails
9.   Sponge & Spear--plastic spear and piece of sponge
10. Burial--piece of linen
11. Empty Tomb--could have been an empty egg, but is a stone that was rolled away
12. Ascension--cotton ball for clouds

If anyone is interested in more details J can fill you in or I can post them too.

If you were looking for a Frugal Easter gift to share the gospel message with someone, this could be just what you were looking for.

By the way, J told me that I really knew about Easter.  I told him that I really listened to the stories when they read them in church.

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