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Friday, September 23, 2011

Another Point for Missy

I took these pictures the morning the fires started.  Once we got home from church and there were fires popping up everywhere around the area, I really forgot that I had taken these until I was reviewing things on the camera.

Then I was reminded about how Missy was getting under my skin again.

This isn't Missy, but her apprentice.  Missy had already finished snacking on her breakfast okra and had moved on by the time I got outside with the camera.  

Doesn't she look smug and satisfied?
I think so too.

Then to really get me she came on into the yard for a little blue stem and zinnia dessert to top things off.  She's a sly mover despite her 1,200 pound frame.  See, you can barely see her here.

Then once she saw me, she started rubbing it in my face and decided that she could just come on out in the open.
L made me leave her alone and let her eat a meal, at least until we left for church and then J chased her out of the yard.

1 point Missy.

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