Four weeks ago I came home late, post-9pm--we have a wild and crazy life out here I know, and moments after I collapsed on the couch after being gone all day, the dog barked in a weird sort of way. L and I looked at each other wondering what that might have been. We didn't have to wait too long before we smelled what he barked about. The smell of skunk was quickly permeating the well air-conditioned house.
After a bit of hunting with a flashlight we, of course here I refer to the royal 'we' again, found and 'took care of' said perfume kitty.
The next morning I woke up to this, which is incredibly lovely, as we drove off to school.
However, when I jumped out to snap the picture the smell nearly knocked me over. This is why you should be thankful that Google has not yet invented smell-o-vision, aroma-blog or waft-om-puter with this post. Or else you would be quickly moving to another site. I guess I'm thankful too.
Since then L saw another perfume kitty last week Tuesday trying to dig its way into the coop. Temperatures were cooler last week, between the 50-90's and so we had the doors and windows open. Apparently he whistled, yelled my name etc to get my attention, all to no avail. Please understand that I did actually hear the whistle, but just kept reading J his bedtime story wondering why L was whistling. I'm very bright I know.
By the time he came inside to get appropriate 'tools' the skunk had moved into the shed. Not wanting to make too big of a mess there and being unable to shoo it out one of the doors he eventually just let it go. We know he's out there, waiting until his reservation is called. He digs around the coop here and there and we've put up a few reinforcements.
We'll see which one of these characters prevail.
Personally, I think Missy is behind all of it.

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